Same ‘Ole
I’m so unmotivated [lazy?]. I keep going back to my email hoping that I’ll get a new message that will distract me from the stuff I’m supposed to be working on. Or I spend time looking for good blogs. Is it bad when you try to go to a website and a message pops up that says the site is blocked by your company’s web filter due to adult content? Do you think my name ends up on a list on some IT guy’s computer? Am I being watched constantly…every key stroke captured, every second I’m browsing the internet tallied? If so, you know how unproductive I’ve been lately. When are you going to do something about it? What are you going to do about it? I’m here for only two more weeks, then I’m outta here for 90 days [unpaid]! Yippee [except for the no pay thing]!
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